Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Narrative Book of Database Narratives: Le Book of Rage

So, for this narrative I'm just going to outline it and do brief summaries of said chapters. That being pointed out, I think that I'll also just do a bit of creative editing of le names. These are the names:
  • Rage Comics--Express Your Rage--rage comics--Cheezburger
  • Hot Rage Comics
  • Rage Collection--Home of Rage Comics

I'll be editing some for redundancies and others to makes them more titlely (totally a word). They're going to look like this now:
  • Express Your Rage
  • Hot Rage
  • Rage Collection--Home of Rage
So with that in mind, let's get started!

Express Your Rage
This is an introductory bit, explaining how to create rage comics. It'll talk about the superiority of MS Paint over Photoshop and how to draw on experiences of everyday life and make them hilarious through a standardized, poorly drawn comic. All will love it!

Hot Rage
This one will go into great detail about how to push your comic to the front page in tumblr. The chapter will go into the proper way to deal with trolls--because your comic is so good, it's "Hot Rage."

Rage Collection--Home of Rage
The third chapter of this epic series will expound about the collection of rage that you built up because of all the rage comics that you're making. It should emphasize what to do with all of your comics--whether to only post the best, or just spam the Internet (spam). The chapter will recommend which sites are the best to post on (all of them) in order to get your comics out there (to show off).

Well, True Believers, this is it. That is the narrative I drew from a simple google search. I thought it worked out pretty well. I'm going to go eat some cake.

1 comment:

  1. Those are very detailed outlines. The story felt more like a guidebook, which would be hard to make into a story, so brava for how you laid out your chapters. I also liked your chapter title edits.
