Sunday, September 30, 2012

Once upon a time . . .

. . . breasts abroad in all the land were suffering. Many breasts saw ads on the tube, offering products and services to to create recovery plans and offer hope for healing. One month was set aside for all breasts to paint the town pink in order to spread awareness and gather attention that would the efforts to find a cure for the pain. 

One of the breasts was named Susan. She held a parade. Everyone lined the streets, proud of life, hopeful for change and miracles, waving pink banners and eating pink popcorn. Donation boxes were placed in every store in every land and at every finish line. 

All the pink proceeds were poured into the foundation of a massive organization and packed tight until a giant castle was formed. And there, the dreams of happily ever after are shaken and stirred and steamed and stored. Pairs and pairs of breasts flock to the castle in search of their one true cure. 

And some breasts live happily ever after.


  1. I like your post it was a very creative short story. I think your web page will be awesome. I know your page is going to be about breast cancer but I do not know the details. It looks like your search came up with a lot of awareness sites and donation links. My search was similar, my results were highly commercialized and I had to skip a few pages back to find anything of substance relating to my topic.

  2. This story is clever. It actually felt like a story, which was hard for me to replicate. Giving a breast a name was a good way to go about this. I connected with Susan. And I can completely imagine Susan going to those sites and helping out with parades and such.
