Monday, November 5, 2012

Elves Layout

I'm still playing with two options for my website: whether or not to include sections on the working elves. I'm sure I could provide enough information alone from only focusing on the fantasy elves that don't work for Santa, but I don't want to exclude Santa's workers because of the culture in them. Maybe you guys have an opinion?

So my plan for the 4 other pages is this: 1 is dealing with memes, 2 deals with fanart, 3 deals with videos, 4 deals with web comic strips. If I include the Santa's elves, I would probably combine pages 2 and 3 since they are smaller, or remove page 2 completely since most of the art is pictures of video games. I think this decision will be made as I finish compiling all the information. If I need more to talk about or a particular section doesn't have enough information, I'll use the working elves. I like the working elves--Dobby from Harry Potter provides a huge fan culture.

Page 1: memes. There are tons of memes out there, as noted in a previous blog post. I was thinking I would talk about why there were created and their affects of the fan culture. I'd provide examples of the different memes, referencing video games and movies. It would be fun to have a section that talks about the influences of memes on each other concerning elves.

Page 2: fanart. This is the iffy section. Most of the fanart is pictures of elves drawn to model World of Warcraft. I think. There might be another video game in the mix--I'll make sure with references when I write the content. But there is some fanart from movies and such; it would be cool to compare the underdog movie art to the video game popular art. And most pictures are of beefy men or sexy women with little clothes. There is culture in that, which would be good to discuss.

Page 3: videos. There are tons of them. How to catch elves, music collages, etc. This section has tons of material. It'll be fun to compare them and show how they've affected the fandom culture.

Page 4: web comic strips. There are quite a few out there, not all of them drawn well, but it would be a good section to include. I want to go into the ideas of the comic, reasons they were drawn, among other things. I'm still working this section out. I haven't read all the comics yet and some of them are hard to get through due to bad story line and crappy drawings, but those would be good to talk about as well.

Page: working elves. This is where it gets tricky. Do I include their own page? It could appear like "Hey, don't forget I exist! We work, aren't pretty, but do have magic." Or I could thread the information about these working elves throughout the rest of the pages. Like a comparison that I've done so far in my other blog posts. This is a decision I still need to make. Maybe those who comment will have ideas or preferences about what I've been thinking of doing.

1 comment:

  1. Memes = variability
    fanart = transcoding?
    videos = modularity?
    web comics = transcoding

    Sorry I forgot to post my manovich principles that I wanted to use. And I'd have no idea what principle for working elves. Modularity or variability maybe.
