Monday, October 29, 2012

Intro to Elves

When elves are mentioned, two images come to mind: working elves and nature elves. And yes, Harry Potter's house elves can be combined with Santa's working elves. These two groups of elves contain their own history and lore despite sharing the same name, and both of them have invaded the internet through memes, fan art, videos, comics, and websites.

Whether liked or not, nature elves have become a major item in our current fantasy culture. They are littered through books, movies, video games, regular games, myths, TV shows, cartoons, etc. Their popularity comes from their enviable characteristics, such as longevity, attractive figures, and magical abilities. People admire them, and not only just the movie or video game geeks (nerds?).

 Working elves are famous because of Christmas. We like the toys they make, plus they are easy to make into jokes, movies, and other forms of entertainment. Then Harry Potter came along with a new design of working elves: the house elves. No longer working for Santa, elves work for wizards and witches and do less than desirable chores. They aren't making toys anymore, but our hearts were won by Dobby's lovable antics, even if they were annoying to Harry Potter at times.
Either way, both classes of elves have won our hearts. Many people seek to show their devotion and the internet is just the place.

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